Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Tea, Porcelain, and Opium

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

In the wake of the American Revolution, North Shore merchants dispatched sailing ships to the Far East, racing to bring back tea, silk, pepper, and porcelain. By 1800, their ventures […]

Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Weaving Threads of Lace History

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

The New England Lace Group presents, “Weaving Threads of Lace History”. Anyone interested in fiber arts or learning more about the history of lacemaking in Ipswich is welcome to attend.

Winter Exhibit – “Fiber Arts”

Come in Saturdays and Sundays through early Spring and view fiber arts pieces highlighting everything from Ipswich lace-making and embroidery to modern quilts.  Members: Free, Non-Members: $5

Newly Discovered Artifacts

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker Roland Arguin, amateur archeologist, is back to share his treasures and tell stories about his recent findings from different properties on the North Shore. Join us for a fun […]

Birds of Essex County: A Personal Journey

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Join us for an enlightening presentation by Jim Berry, Ornithologist, as he unveils his updated edition of Charles Wendell Townsend's The Birds of Essex County. This comprehensive two-volume set catalogs […]