Evening Lecture Series- The Fed, love it or hate it?

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Managing a modern economy is still full of mysteries.  Is the Fed playing a constructive role?  Why is it so controversial?  Carroll Perry will discuss important questions related to the Fed and to our lives. Carroll taught economics at Philips Andover for the last 12 years of his career.  Prior to that he spent 25 […]

Evening Lecture Series- Ipswich in the American Revolution

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Join Scott Jewell, middle school technology engineering teacher, lover of history and board of trustee member who will do an enthusiastic talk and presentation on the role that Ipswich played during the American Revolution. Scott’s love of history will come alive in this lecture.  

Evening Lecture Series: Contention in the Commons

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: Gordon Harris, Ipswich Town Historian In the commons, the early Massachusetts town adopted English institutions of land management that often predated their own experience in the mother country, reproducing medieval systems whose roots dated back several centuries, but the communal system quickly failed. Disagreements over the division and usage of the common lands resulted […]

Evening Lecture Series: Schlitz on Mt. Washington and Ski America First

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: Tom Blake Blake presents Christopher Young's classic 1937 movie about the misadventures of the eccentric Dr. Wolfgang Schlitz on holiday at Mt. Washington, considered to be the first American comedy-classic ski movie (Sydney Shurcliffe's 1942 comedy of Dr. Quackenbusch was inspired by this film) Ski America First is a documentary filmed by Sydney Shurcliffe […]

Evening Lecture Series: Walking Castle Neck (Crane Beach) in the Footsteps of Ipswich Naturalist Charles Wendell Townsend MD

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: Joseph Carlin Throughout 2023 Joe Carlin, food historian and nutritionist, walked the beach photographing and documenting observations Townsend made about his beloved Ipswich in his book, "Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes." Dr. Townsend, Harvard Class of 1881, was a noted Boston obstetrician and child nutrition authority. Members: Free | Non-members: $10

Evening Lecture Series: Step into the Arctic

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: John Wigglesworth Join John Wigglesworth to hear the story of his recent trip to the North Pole. He joined the team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) on […]

Evening Lecture Series: The American Dream

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: David Scudder The American Dream, in the words of historian James Truslow Adams, is a dream "of a better, richer and happier life for all citizens of every rank." […]

Evening Lecture Series: Harry and Hilda: Letters Home

Ipswich Museum 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA, United States

Speaker: Jennifer Hamlin Church Church will read excerpts from her new book and discuss the lively research that went into it .The book is a biography of two people who left Queen Victoria's England alone, as teens, 30 years apart, seeking unknown opportunity in America. Subtitled "The Sparkling Life of the Lupine Lady and the […]