As a kickoff to our town’s celebration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, you are cordially invited to gather at the Ipswich Museum at 6:00 pm on August 31 to begin our celebration of the 200th anniversary of Lafayette’s visit to Ipswich. Our own Nat Pulsifer will address the crowd regarding the significance and history of the event. At 7:00 pm, we will escort a horse-drawn carriage with a Lafayette impersonator from the South Green to the Ipswich Museum, where the General will be welcomed by Ipswich Select Board member Michael Doherty, reenacting the Town’s welcoming address to Lafayette in 1824. The carriage is a Bird-in-Hand Eaglet pulled by Blue, an American Quarter Horse owned and driven by Pam Stone of Essex. The program will end at 7:30. Bring a picnic, and period clothing is encouraged.